Social Capital Score

Quiz to give you a few ideas about how much social capital you have compared with others.

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About you


How supportive is the travel environment for you? Can you use trains, buses, taxis, and planes? Do you need accommodations?

Very low
I rarely travel, it's too difficult
I need significant accommodations or a helper
I need minor accommodations, or they are easy to find
I don't think about it, I can use any form of transport


Do you have a brain that seems to be wired differently from what's expected of you? Do you bounce off the walls or suffer meltdowns in crowded, noisy places? Think about your lived experiences, including self-dx.

Very low
Strongly divergent from neurotypical: identified early, limited ability to join mainstream schooling
ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, autism affect my life noticeably, diagnosis (would) help me find my tribe
High-functioning. I mask effectively, and have effective coping strategies
Neurotypical. I find social situations straightforward and make friends easily


How do you identify? Is this the same as you were assigned at birth?

Very low
Transgender, nonbinary, significant lack of representation in work and social contexts
Work in industry where your gender is rare, for example female in construction or male in childcare
Work in industry where your gender is well represented at junior levels, for example female in teaching
Work in an industry where your gender is well represented at all levels, for example male in law


Your religious beliefs, including atheism or non-religious, and how they fit in your current society


Very low
A religion that is actively banned or persecuted by the state
An unpopular or stigmatised religion. May encounter violent anti-religious acts by individuals
A different religion where the default religion is assumed, other religions and non-religious well tolerated
Same as the most prevalent religion, including non-religious in a secular society

Partner relationships

How do you identify your sexuality? Who are you attracted to?

Very low
Physical threats, same-sex relationships illegal where I live
Struggling for acceptance
Comfortable sexuality, able to pass as straight or out and proud
Straight, heterosexual

Health and energy levels

Do you have a condition that affects your energy levels? How often do you run out of spoons?

Include sleep disruptions from caring duties if they lasted for more than a few months. Skip pain-related conditions for now, we'll ask you about them in the next question.

Very low
Regularly unable to leave bed
Significant sleep deprivation, not easy to control, or medicines have substantial side effects
Mild / intermittent sleep deprivation, supported by over the counter medicines
Full energy nearly every day

Invisible pain conditions

Do you have a medical condition that causes you pain? Chronic migraines, musculo-skeletal pain, or digestive disorders can have a debilitating effect on your life.

Exclude temporary conditions such as a broken leg or cancer treatment, unless you have ongoing complications over several years.

Very low
Daily significant pain. Pain relief medicines do not help
Occasional very painful days, or regular moderate pain. Medicines help but have significant side effects
Occasional painful days, easily resolved with over-the-counter pain medicines
Rarely in pain
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Please don't enter any code if you are concerned about the privacy of your score.

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